Question: If someone’s period exceeds the regular amount of days they must make ghusl and pray but...
Question: Asalamu alaikum. I saw a video saying that we should move from the spot we were...
Question: ASSALAAMZ Sometimes parents tell their children to blow on food. Is this correct? jzk Answer: In...
Question: “Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. I humbly seek the esteemed guidance of scholars and jurists regarding my situation....
Question: Assalaamu alaikum.Is it ok to do 5 takbirs in janazah once in while seeing that there...
Question: Asalaamu Alaikum, Is it permissible to help my son in Quran while on my menses without...
Question: Asalaam Walaikum, I have lost both of my parents but not at the same time....
Question: Can a wife refuse intimacy with her husband after he request? Can he take another wife...
Having sound Aqeedah is of paramount importance in the life of a believer, as the acceptance of...
Question: السلام علیکم و رحمة الله و بركاته Hope ML is doing well My question is checkers...
Question: Assalaamu alaikum.. I want to find out if it would be permissible for me to sell ...
Question:Assalamu Alaikum,Regarding drawing and animating for a living:1. Are we allowed to draw non-living things from our...