Question: ssalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.I have heard that is impermissible for a woman to cut her hair...
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum! Can you explain all aspects of Khulla,with regards to its do’s and don’t’s?...
Question:Assalam o alaikum, recently I was on gasht, we approached a non-muslim, who asked me why muslim...
Question: Assalamu Alakyum, I am Hanafi. Can you kindly explain what “asking behind a curtain” means according...
Sadaqatul – Fitr is a compulsory charity on adult males and females who have in their net...
Zakaah is purification. It purifies both the wealth and the wealthy. It also purifies the needy...
Jaamia Madinatul Uloom & Masjidul Huda (Marabella, Trinidad) My Ramadhan guide (1445/2024) Virtues of Ramadhan Ramadan is...
Question: Assalmu Alaikum. Recently I was instructed by my doctor to take a medicine .The medicine is...
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Is is haram or halaal to have items such a clothing,...
Shabe Bara’at 15 TH. SHA’BAAN Night= Saturday 24th Feb. (from Maghrib). SUNNAH FASTS: Mondays & Thursdays...
Question There is currently a cricket competition being played amongst different Masajid. Each team is required to...
Question Due to my work at times hands are in direct contact with paint, glue and other...