Having sound Aqeedah is of paramount importance in the life of a believer, as the acceptance of...
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Laws of providing maintenance for one’s...
From among the months of the Islaamic year, the “Ashurul Hurum” (Sacred Months) enjoy a greater significance....
Jaamia Madinatul Uloom DARUL IFTAA (Department of Islamic Jurisprudence) EID – UL-ADHAA 1445/2024 Download a copy here...
Question: Salamalikum I wanted to convert into Islaam. please show me how to do it. Should I...
Sadaqatul – Fitr is a compulsory charity on adult males and females who have in their net...
Zakaah is purification. It purifies both the wealth and the wealthy. It also purifies the needy...
Jaamia Madinatul Uloom & Masjidul Huda (Marabella, Trinidad) My Ramadhan guide (1445/2024) Virtues of Ramadhan Ramadan is...
Shabe Bara’at 15 TH. SHA’BAAN Night= Saturday 24th Feb. (from Maghrib). SUNNAH FASTS: Mondays & Thursdays...
Hope: At this critical juncture when war is the buzz word of the War Mongers, many Muslims...
Question: Asalam Alaykum , how are you ? I’m about 28 years of age and really wanting...
Question Regarding a Nikah, the Jurists have stated that, in order for the Ijaab and Qabool (offer...