If someone works as an emergency responder (a paramedic/emt) and is always on standby duty (must be in readiness to respond within a moment’s notice). Can he be excused from praying salaah in jaamat while working because of the nature of the job?
Also the same question for doctors who may need to: be in surgery; attend to emergencies and be on call.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Salaah with Jamaa’ah means to perform a Salaah in congregation (with one or more people), with one among them leading the Salaah (as Imam), preferably in a Masjid.
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: Salaah with jamaa’ah is twenty-seven times superior to salaah performed individually. (Bukhaari)
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: Two persons performing salaah together with one as imam is better by allah than four people performing salaah one after the other (individually). (Al Mu’jamul Kabeer Tabraani)
For men, perfection of Salaah lies in attending the congregation. Therefore, one should make as much effort as possible to perform Salaah in congregation in a Masjid. Along with many virtues, there are numerous benefits.
One of the benefits of striving to perform Salaah in the best manner is that our worldly affairs are made easy. It in mentioned in a Hadith;
O son of Adam! Free yourself for my worship, and I will fill your chest with sufficiency and remove your poverty and if you don’t, I will fill your hands with distraction and will not remove your poverty.
The best place for Salaah in Jamaa’ah is the Masjid because the primary object of a Masjid is the performance of Salaah in congregation. If for some reason a person could not go to the Masjid, he should endeavor to perform the Salaah with Jamaa’ah someplace else or at one’s job. Salaah with Jamaa’ah will be considered fulfilled even if there is just one follower.
If one sometimes cannot perform Salaah in Jamaa’ah due to the nature of one’s job, one should at least perform Salaah individually on time.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best.
Mufti Arshad Ali
Darul Iftaa, Jaamia Madinatul Uloom (Trinidad)