If someone’s period exceeds the regular amount of days they must make ghusl and pray but is it necessary to make wudu and before every salah because while performing salah one may become dirty again
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
If a woman bled for more than ten days , then all the days which are more than her normal period will be regarded as istihadhah (Dysfunctional uterine bleeding). Therefore, if she bleeds for more than ten days and ten nights, check the number of days she bled for the previous month (her previous habit). That same number will be regarded as Haidh (menses) and the balance will be istihadhah (Dysfunctional uterine bleeding).
Since any bleeding beyond ten full days is Istihadhah , she should take a bath after ten days (240 hours) and start her performing Salaah.
Therefore, she should perform Qadha Salaah (make up) for the days beyond her habit. If she has a habit of seven days and she bled for twelve days then only seven days would be Haidh and the rest Istihadhah.
She will have to perform Qadha Salaah for days 8, 9, 10 (Days of Istihadhah), Qadha Salaah should be made up as soon as possible.
The bleeding of istihadhah (irregular bleeding) will break wudhu every time it occurs.
One will have to make sure clothes will be clean before beginning salah – if a pad is used, then that should be clean also.
If the bleeding is continuous, then the woman will come under the ruling of a ma’zur (excused person).
A woman in Istihadhah (irregular bleeding) and a ma’zur fall in the same category of rulings. A ma’zur (excused) is a person who cannot retain the ablution (chronic annulment of wudhu) for the duration it takes to perform Wudhu and Salaah, such as one facing the continuous passing of gases or intermittent drops of urine, or a constant nosebleed.
Perform new Wudhu for the time of each fardh salaah. With that wudhu it is permissible for her that she prays as many obligatory or optional prayers as she desires during one salaah time. Wudhu will break upon the ending of the Salaah time. Note: She will first have to confirm that she falls under the category of ma’zur or not.
A person only qualifies as an excused person (i.e., one suffering from chronic annulment of wudhu) when the problem remains for the complete duration of an obligatory prayer time in a way that the person cannot perform the ablution or prayer without its absence (fardh aspects).
The condition for the continuation of this excused state after it has been established is that the problem reoccurs at least once during every subsequent prayer time. One no longer remains in this state when the complete time of an obligatory prayer lapses without the problem occurring even once.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best.
Mufti Arshad Ali
Darul Iftaa, Jaamia Madinatul Uloom (Trinidad)