Question: Assalmualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu . Is it permissible to cut ties with my biological father. I had...
Character and Morals
Question: I am only child living in abroad for 20 yearsMy parents are 75+ living in my...
Question: Assalamu Alakyum, I am Hanafi. Can you kindly explain what “asking behind a curtain” means according...
Question: Asalamu alaikum. I’m very confused on the topic of maintaining family ties and request clarifications. I...
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Can you advise if Trinidad’s KFC sends funding to Israel and whether we should...
Question: Is is a good practice/allowed to teach your children to give salaams at night when we...
Question: Salaam, please give the ruling on fireworks. Is it halaal or haraam? Please give evidence if...
Question: hello i am a muslim that is gay and have homosexual feelings and i was attracted...
Question:Asalam Alaykum how are you doing ? Basically I feel this is a complicated question for me...
Question: If a husband opts for a second marriage and looks after the first and second wife...
Question: Assalamualykum..hope you are well? I wanted to find out if in islam we are allowed to...
Question: If the wife carries out business transactions through the mobile phone without telling the husband (because...