Question: Assalamualikum I hope you are doing well inshallah. I have 2 questions and I hope you...
Question: AssallamuAllaykum … I want to ask a common question : People in our area use to...
Question: Assalamualaykum, Question There is a developing trait wherein any issue arising in someone’s life, people are...
Question: Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa brakatahu,Respected Mufti,I have following 2 Queries: 1) Whether Hajj Pilgrims could do...
Question: Asalaamu Alaikum I will like to know the details of Iddah, duration and what must be...
From among the months of the Islaamic year, the “Ashurul Hurum” (Sacred Months) enjoy a greater significance....
Several erroneous beliefs exist regarding the blessed Day of Ashura (10th of Muharram). Such incorrect practices are...
Question: AssalamAlikum Sir My question is 1. if a person only uses clods or tissue paper or...
Jaamia Madinatul Uloom DARUL IFTAA (Department of Islamic Jurisprudence) EID – UL-ADHAA 1445/2024 Download a copy here...
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته Is it permissible to do keratin treatment on one’s hair? جزاك...
Question: Salamalikum I wanted to convert into Islaam. please show me how to do it. Should I...
Question: Assalamualaikum, I would like to know: A) If spotting occurs does one have to wait for...