Question: Assalmualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, my question is that , in the african culture, and these are muslims...
Question: Salaam, I have over the years collected various loans with interest, now I have a very...
Question: If husband and wife goes through islamic divorce then who gets custody of the children?Is it...
Question: Assalamu aleikum MuftiWe want to open a small private school…Students Boys and Girls will study in...
Question: I had heard from a friend (as far as I remember) that the one who does...
Question In fardh prayer there are two types of prayer [Jahri & Sirri] what should a person...
Question: is writing a will whilst living in a non muslim country a fard, wajib, or recommended...
Question: Assalamualaikum,Hope you are well by the infinite mercy of Allah. I have 2 questions – 1. What...
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum,1.If an online store allows its customers to cancel multiple orders without charging any cancellation...
Question: AssalaamualaikumWaraghmatullahMufti I have few queries>>>>>>> 1. Sometimes beardless or pencil line Qaaris come to our country....
Question: Assalamu alaikum warahamathullahi wabarakathuhu Because of Knee pain and obesity, my mother used to sit on...
Question: Is it permissible for me to uncover my hair and wear tight clothes which outline the...