Question: Is it permissible for a woman to become a speech and language therapist. Answer: In the...
Women Related
Question: Assalaamualaikum In the case of a female who has sensitive skin and shaving the pubic region...
Question: I am going for Umrah and will enter Makkah during Haidh. What will I have to...
Question: Assalamu Alaikum,If a woman has a planned trip such as hajj or umrah and now divorce...
Question: Assalamu Alaikum,If a woman has a planned trip such as hajj or umrah and now divorce...
Question: assalaamu alaikum hazrat. I have a question for you. it’s about women. to what extent are...
Question: Assalaamu alaikum.I would like to enquire if drawing mandalas are impermissible? Someone i know recently made...
Question: I understand that life/medical insurance is haraam because of several reasons including interest/gambling/uncertainty but vehicle insurance...
Question: Is it permissible for me to uncover my hair and wear tight clothes which outline the...
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum.Is it permissible to pump breast milk and feed the baby through a bottle because...
Question: I’m a content writer. We have a client that her business is related to wigs(made of...
Question: Is it permissible to use permanent hair dye? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most...