Question: What do I have to do if impurity falls on food? If a small insect falls...
Question: Is ghusl wajib after taking any suppository drug per anus? Answer: In the Name of Allah,...
Question: What do I have to do if impurity falls on food? If a small insect falls...
Question: For a while now a new trend has been circulating. It is known as breathable nail...
Question: Assalamo Alikum, I have this problem that has occured two times so far on different days....
Question: As Salam Alaikum! Today my wife write one Ayah of Quran on paper for my mother...
Question: Assalamoalaikumwarehmatullahiwabarakaatuhu Mufti saheb, does vaginally discharge break wudhu ? I read that it does but it’s...
Question: Is wuzu permissible on waterproof eyeliner/mascara? Is there a difference of ruling regarding wuzu on water...