Question: If someone’s period exceeds the regular amount of days they must make ghusl and pray but...
Question: Asalaamu Alaikum, Is it permissible to help my son in Quran while on my menses without...
Question: AssalamAlikum Sir My question is 1. if a person only uses clods or tissue paper or...
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته Is it permissible to do keratin treatment on one’s hair? جزاك...
Question:Assalam o alaikum, recently I was on gasht, we approached a non-muslim, who asked me why muslim...
Question Due to my work at times hands are in direct contact with paint, glue and other...
Question: Asalaamu Alaikum Is it compulsory to have wudu when reading the quran on one’s phone or...
Question: سلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته I have a mattress which is 12 inches thick, my child...
Question: Assalaamu AlaikumCould you shed some information on Downy fabric Softener and all other Downy products, as...
Question: Assalaamualaikum In the case of a female who has sensitive skin and shaving the pubic region...
Question: I have sensitive ear holes (for earrings) that tend to almost close up often. Getting a...
Question: AssalamAlikum Sir My question is 1. if a person only uses clods or tissue paper or...