Question: ASSALAAMZ Sometimes parents tell their children to blow on food. Is this correct? jzk Answer: In...
Consumables (Food & Drink)
Jaamia Madinatul Uloom DARUL IFTAA (Department of Islamic Jurisprudence) EID – UL-ADHAA 1445/2024 Download a copy here...
Question: Assalmu Alaikum. Recently I was instructed by my doctor to take a medicine .The medicine is...
Question: Can muslims eat in restaurants which serves pork in their menu and serves alcoholic drinks? Even...
Question: Assalaamu AlaikumCould you shed some information on Downy fabric Softener and all other Downy products, as...
Question: If a Jew/Christian slaughter a chicken fulfilling the conditions of islamic slaughter is it permissible to...
Question: Assalamu alaikum I recently attended a Christian wedding where they invited a pastor to “bless the...
Question: Are Muslims allowed to eat crocodiles or alligators? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most...
Question: Assalamu alaikum. The emulsifier mono diglycerides is an emulsifier made from animal or plant fat and...
Question: Assalamualaikum, I started working as an agent with my partner who has decades of experience in...
Question: Salaams, is prebiotic soft drinks halal? It could have trace amounts of alcohol due to natural...
The Importance of Halaal and its laws. What is Halaal? Islam is a comprehensive religion guiding Muslims...