Question: Assalaamu alaikum.I would like to enquire if drawing mandalas are impermissible? Someone i know recently made...
Question: Assalamu alaikum I would like to get clarification on a matter concerning my Zakah please. I...
Question: If a baligh male has the nisab to go for hajj for the first time but...
Question: Assalaamu alaykum I would like to ask, can i do wudhu with the water from the...
Question: Assalamualykum..hope you are well? I wanted to find out if in islam we are allowed to...
Question: I understand that life/medical insurance is haraam because of several reasons including interest/gambling/uncertainty but vehicle insurance...
Question: Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah. I have a few questions with regards to salah – 1. When...
Question: Assalamualykum. Hope you are well? Is a believer allowed to change his/her midhab(eg goes from hanafi...
Question: If the wife carries out business transactions through the mobile phone without telling the husband (because...
Transgenders, Transsexuals and Intersexes Allah Ta’ala states in the Quran: و أنه خلق الزوجين الذكر و الأنثى...
Question: Actually I’m planning to make my career in finance as my core subject was accounts and...
Question: ssalam o elaikum,I am very confused regarding an issue. On one hand the ahlus sunnah wal...