What Is the Significance of the Sandals of the Prophet and is it permissible to wear the symbol on my topi or other pieces of clothing?
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
A person’s Iman is only complete once he loves Nabi ﷺ more than his parents, his children and all his belongings. It is narrated in that Nabiﷺ has said,
“None of you truly believes until I am more beloved to him than his father, his children and mankind in its entirety.”(Bukhari and Muslim)
Therefore, having deep love and honor for the Prophet ﷺ deeply entrenched in one’s heart, inwardly and outwardly is an essential requirement of Imaan.
Any belonging of the Prophet ﷺ is very blessed, and the Sahabah (Radhiallahu Anhum) would greatly cherish them. Similarly is the blessed sandals of the Prophet ﷺ. While displaying an image of it on one’s clothing will be permissible, there will be no specific rewards for doing so. One should remember that a Muslim’s core focus and real love for the Prophet ﷺ is to follow the true Sunnah and live one’s live in accordance with the commands of the Prophet ﷺ in all aspects of one’s life.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best.
Mufti Arshad Ali
Darul Iftaa, Jaamia Madinatul Uloom (Trinidad)