The procedure for a simple short Jumu’ah Khutbah
If four adult males perform Jumu’ah Salah at any venue, home etc, the Jumu’ah Salah will be valid. A short basic Khutba and relevant Duas will be sufficient.
If there are less than four adult males, then Jumu’ah Salah will not be valid. In that instance, perform Zuhr Salah.
The procedure for Jumu’ah Salah is as follows:
a) The first Adhaan for Jumu’ah should be called out. Thereafter, the four Sunnah before the khutbah should be performed.
b) The Imam should sit on a chair facing the people and the second Adhaan should be called out in front of the Imam.
c) After the Adhaan, the Imam should stand up, recite the first Khutbah and then sit down. Thereafter, the Imam should stand up and recite the second Khutbah.
d) Thereafter the Iqama should be called out and the Imam should lead the 2 Rakats of Jumu’ah Salaah.
e) Thereafter, perform the remaining Sunnah Salah.
Below is a Simple short Khutbah,

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Darul Ifta Jaamia Madinatul Uloom دار الإفتاء جامعة مدينة العلوم
(Department of Islamic Guidance in Islamic law, Personal, Social, Business related matters)
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