Sadaqatul – Fitr is a compulsory charity on adult males and females who have in their net – possession assets to the value of Nisaab. It also purifies the minor deficiencies that occurred whilst fasting during Ramadhan and brings and brings happiness to all on the day of Eid.
Sadaqatul – Fitr can be given through different commodities. These commodities include wheat, barley, dates and raisins. The quantities mentioned in the Hadith are:
Wheat | Barley | Dates | Raisins |
$18 ttd | $60 ttd | $130 ttd | $150 ttd |
NB: Sadaqatul-Fitr for the year 1445/2024 is $18.00tt (minimum) and is based on the average price of wheat in the country. As wheat is generally the cheapest commodity, this value of Sadaqatul-Fitr is given.
Hence, if one wishes to give Sadaqatul – Fitr in relation to the value of the other commodities, the prices of the commodities should be ascertained and Sadaqatul- Fitr should be given accordingly. This will be more rewarding and will bring greater joy to the poor on Eid.
It is best to give cash so that the poor may purchase whatever they need with the money.
It is also permissible to give any groceries or foodstuffs equivalent to the values mentioned above. For example, one may give rice, etc.
Notes on Sadaqatul-Fitr :
- Wajib (compulsory) on adult males and females who have in their net – possession assets to the value of Nisaab. (I.e. Zakatable assets + non basic assets – minus liabilities) on the day of Eid. (This is irrespective of whether the wealth is for the purposes of trade or not and irrespective of whether he has had it in his possession for a full year or not).
- The father is responsible to discharge Sadaqatul-Fitr on behalf of his minor children.
A husband is not responsible for discharging Sadaqatul Fitr on behalf of his wife or his adult children. However, it is permissible for him to discharge it of his own will on behalf them.
- May be discharged from the start of Ramadhan and must be given before Eid Salah.
- Should be given to needy Muslims who are eligible to accept Zakah.
- It is permissible to give the Sadaqatul Fitr of multiple people to one poor person. Similarly, it is also permissible to divide one Sadaqatul Fitr amongst several poor people.
- If a person fails to discharge his sadaqatul fitr on or before the day of ‘Eid, he will not be absolved from this obligation. He will have to fulfill it at some other time.
Sadaqatul Fitr is equally Wajib on those who fast in Ramadhan and those who do not fast, whether it be due to a valid Shar’ī excuse or any other reason.
Rasulullah (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) declared the payment of Sadaqatul Fitr an obligatory duty. It purifies the fasting person from any indecent acts or speech, and is a provision for the needy. (Abu Dawood)
Darul Ifta Jaamia Madinatul Uloom (Trinidad)