Question Answer بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم If the husband gives the wife a revocable divorce (talaq raj’ee),...
Question: Assalamualaikum, I started working as an agent with my partner who has decades of experience in...
Question What is the ruling regarding leasehold lands leased by the government for 99 years? Would it...
Question I am an elderly person. I own a property (house and land) in which live in...
Question As Salaamualykum. I have a question. Here Americans get married in the court and they get...
Question: Assalamualaikum. If a husband and wife lived separately for many years without having relations will that...
Question: AssalamAlikum Sir My question is 1. if a person only uses clods or tissue paper or...
Question: AoA Sir, I have been suffering from OCD for past many years and my condition has...
Question Regarding a Nikah, the Jurists have stated that, in order for the Ijaab and Qabool (offer...
Question: Assalamualykum.Is sending jummah/ramadan/eid mubarak messages a bida/haram?Will one be sinful for sending these messages ?Jazakallah Answer:...
Question Assalam Wa Alaikum. is it permissible for a wife to tell her husband she doesn’t want...
Question: Salaams, is prebiotic soft drinks halal? It could have trace amounts of alcohol due to natural...