Question: Over a long period of time earlier in my life I have missed many salaah’s. I...
Question: Asalam Alaykum , how are you ? I’m about 28 years of age and really wanting...
Question: As-Salamu ‘Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa BarakatuhuThe background:I have a job offer from an IT company. The...
Question: Asalam aleykum wa rahamataullahi wa barakatu I had been in a relationship with an individual for...
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتهWill my Fajr Salah (Fard) be accepted if I finish praying just...
Question: If the body of a Muslim was cremated (perhaps because of Hindu family members), can Janazah...
Question: Assalaamu alaikum, Question. I was given a divorce through faskh by an imaam who also got...
Question The husband divorced his wife thereafter she left and went to her parents’ house to spend...
Question If a person tells his wife “ I swear I will not have intercourse with you...
Question: assalaamu alaikum hazrat. I have a question for you. it’s about women. to what extent are...
Question: I have sensitive ear holes (for earrings) that tend to almost close up often. Getting a...
Question Assalaamu Alaikum Mufti sab, is it permissible to use the upstairs of a Masjid as a...