Question: I’m a sister, my friend ( who is a muslima ) is about to have a...
Question: Asslau Allaikum wrwb I recently moved to Jeddah for a job and then visited Macca and...
Question: Assallaamualaikum I have a question from a sister She is taking water tablets to flush her...
Question: Assalamoalaikumwarehmatullahiwabarakaatuhu Mufti saheb, does vaginally discharge break wudhu ? I read that it does but it’s...
Question: Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, Few months back i moved to USA for my Studies. My questions are...
Question: There are many ahadith and Quranic ayats that certain knowledge has not been revealed to the...
Question: I own a property and I rent or lease it out. Can I charge a penalty...
Question: Salaam What is the logic behind Father and grandfather only being the wali of underage children,...
Question: aswr wb, what does a person do if he was praying salah the wrong direction he...
Question: Is it permissible to use someone else’s wifi if they haven’t put a password?(of neighbours, adjacent...
Question: I have a few questions as below. 1a. Is it permissible for a person (say “A”)...
Question: Aslamualikum…My Question is related to Hijab..I want to know the proper Defination of Hijab Because in...