Question: Is it permissible to lay on your stomach other than sleeping. For eg when one has...
Question: It is Allowed in Islam to try to choose your baby sex with any kind of...
Question: My question is if I list an item on the online auction site eBay and the...
Question: Asalamoalaikum, I have been suffering from depression since the past few weeks and I am worried...
Question: Is it Kufr to assist the disbelievers against the Believers? I just wanted to know to...
Question: Message: Assalaamu’alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuh respected Shaykh, My husband doesn’t understand the fiqh ruling in...
Much has been written about the subject of Gheebah (backbiting). The Ulama and other scholars continue to...
The noble work of tablīgh slowly and gradually uproots all unislamic activities. No amount of political...
Question: I have an 8 year old son and have been trying to conceive for the last...
Question: I have two questions Can we offer salatul hajat after fajar or Asar prayer. Is there...
Question: What do I have to do if impurity falls on food? If a small insect falls...
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, I know that a man is forbidden to use gold artifacts including jewelery, watches,...