Question: AAssalamu alaikum. This is regarding fasting in Ramadan. I suffer from PCOD (due to which I...
Question: Breast feeding mother breaks fast, is kaffarah due? If so how many days to fast? Answer:...
Question: Assalaamu Alykum, I am on the injection as a form of reversible birth control, and need...
Question: In our Masjid there is only one individual who is ready to spend I’tikaaf on a...
Question: If the I’tikaaf of a person during Ramadhan becomes nullified, can he continue observing I’tikaaf for...
Question: AssalamuAlaykum, We normally take out our Zakaat in Ramadhan for the past year. Then this money...
Question: Does vomiting or swallowing ones vomit unintentionally break the fast? Answer: بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم...
Question: Does Zakaat have to be paid on Shares? Also does one have to pay on the...
Question: Asalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi. There is no shyness in knowledge Alhamdulillah. I wanted to know if oral...
Question: Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh! In my country prevails a credit system, with bank interest....
Question: Is having à Beard nessary to give azan in a masjid or can Azan be given...
Question: Dear ulama, what is shariah saying about interpreting dreams, do the person have to be ulama...