Question: Assalam Alaikum I’d like to know it IT (information Technology) job in following insurance company is...
Question: i have a scenario to which i request answers please. All praise is to Allah the...
Question: Is it permissible for an imam to raise funds for the towns Islamic school in the...
Question: Respected sir I am facing a very serious problem. Actually my father was having a sum...
Question: I understand that a Mu’takif is not allowed to leave the Masjid for bath other than...
Question: If a Mu’takif placed one of his feet outside the the Masjid, would his I’tikaf be...
Question: As a young person, I was much more negligent towards my duties to Islam. I am...
Question Respected Mufti Sahib. Sunset is @ 6.29 pm on Mon 13.06.2016 in Trinidad but the Ramadhan...
Question: Assalamualikum, My friend reverted to Islam few months back and this is her first ramadhaan. She...
Question: Would it be permissible for a Muslim employer to provide lunch for non-Muslim employees during Ramadhan?...
Question: Is a person spending I’tikaaf in Ramadhan allowed to leave the masjid to attend a Janazah...
Acts which do Not Invalidate the Fast 1. Injections/vaccination /IV Drips/insulin. 2. Applying oil/ henna/ dye/ to...