Question: Is it permissible for women to attend the burial at the cemetery? Would it be allowed...
Question: assalamu alaikum. i see for some Salaah, the Imam of Haram does not stand at the...
Dear Muslims! Fear Allah Ta’ala and know that the best of His bounties on you and the...
Tattoos are strictly forbidden in Islaam. Nabi ﷺ has cursed the person who gets a tattoo and...
Question: How should the meat of slaughter on eid ul adha be distributed? Should all meat be...
During Hajj, will the animal that would be sacrificed on my behalf in Makkah suffice for my Qurbani?

During Hajj, will the animal that would be sacrificed on my behalf in Makkah suffice for my Qurbani?
Question: I am planning to perform hajj this year and would like to know if the animal...
Question: The bone from qurbaani can I give it to a dog after it was cooked instead...
Question: I have 2 questions which I would appreciate your guidance on, of course whenever you have...
Question: السلام عليكم I would like to purchase a car to get to work and home easier....
Question: Asalaamu ‘alaikum, It is understood that when a woman misses her fast in Ramadhan (specifically due...
Question: Assalaamu ‘Alaikum. 1. While fasting, I try to use as little water as possible to wash...
Question: السلام عليكم و رحمة ﷲ Is a person traveling to Tobago for holidays considered a musafir?...