Question: Is purchasing shares in a foreign company permissible? Also would one have to pay Zakaat on...
Question 1: Where is Allah? Question 2: What is the meaning of the 5th Aayah of Surah...
Question: The scientists have classified the whale as a mammal and not a fish. Does it mean...
Question: Assalamu alaikumFirst of all may Allah accept your endeavor on helping us out on our problems...
Question: salaam. is the gifting circle sou sou thing Halal? Can we Muslim take part in it?It...
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum Mufti SahibI need a favor from you pleaseCould you investigate for me the permissibility...
Question: Is the English Bayan given standing or sitting or is it a Sunnah to stand for...
Question: Questions concerning inheritance. 1-Will outstanding zakaat, would not that be considered a debt and cant be...
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum.I have a plaster over a wound on my face due to a cut &...
Question: Is the vomit of a new born child impure? Does it have to be washed off...
QuestionAssalam alaikum ustadh, i have a question.a) If adoption is prohibited in islam, then why prophet Muhammad...
Question: If a couple wishes not to have a child, is it permissible to use contraceptives such...