Question What is the ruling regarding same-sex marriages in light of the Shariah? Can you provide evidences...
Question: Salaam. Will Salaah behind an Imam who believes the Prophet Muhammad is Noor and not human,...
Question: Is it permissible to use permanent hair dye? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most...
Question: As salaamu Alaikum, What is the islamic ruling on sterilizing pets? Answer: In the Name of...
Question: I currently live in Bangladesh. My father suffers from Liver Cirrhosis. I have plans to do...
Question: Assalamu Alaikum,I would like to make my intention to do Kaffarah, however I want to make...
Question: Assalaamu ‘Alaikum.I wanted to know if our Salah will be valid with clothes that have words...
Question As Salamu AlaykumWhen the jurist puts the condition of ومن قصده التعيش لا الارتحال with regards...
Question: Assalaamu ‘Alaikum.There is an online shopping site called Flipkart which has a reward program called ‘Flipkart...
Question: Selam Alaykum dear Mufti,I am from the Hanafi Madhab.Can a Muslim, who gives his Zakah and...
Question: Assalamualaikum wbtI would like to ask about Sheikh Imran Hosein who is a scholar in your...
Question SalamuAlaykum, InshaAllah I can get some guidance on this as it seems I am getting conflicting...