COVID-19: Lockdown Guidelines for Muslims
All conditions and sicknesses are from Allah alone. The cure is in Allah’s hands alone. Muslims are encouraged to urgently adopt preventative measures in their control to stem the spread.
The present lockdown is based on curbing the Covid-19 virus.
It is compulsory upon us to abide by the rules of the lockdown.
Use your free time at home in increasing the Tilawah of the Quran, Dhikr, Dua and make excessive Istighfaar.
Menfolk should perform all Salah at home in congregation with family members. It is sufficient for a minimum of two people to form a congregation.
If four adult males perform Jumu’ah Salah at any venue, home etc, the Jumu’ah Salah will be valid. A short basic Khutba and relevant Duas will be sufficient.
If there are less than four adult males, then Jumu’ah Salah will not be valid. In that instance, perform Zuhr Salah.
One should not openly and actively invite people to join the Jumu’ah Salah, as that will be against the rules of the lockdown.
For further inquiries please contact:
Darul Ifta Jaamia Madinatul Uloom دار الإفتاء جامعة مدينة العلوم
(Department of Islamic Guidance in Islamic law, Personal, Social, Business related matters)
Submit questions and read up on Q&A at www.fatwa-tt.com
Tel: 368-0010, 397-7667,306-9093 / Email:jmudarulifta@gmail.com