Question: I have a daughter and she has a mole. For which she gets bullied for, therefore...
Women Related
QUESTION: There is a message going around that a wife does not have to cook. A husband...
Question: What is the most preferred view on female circumcision? Did Prophet Muhammad ﷺ allow it for...
Question: Kindly supply me with the answer for the following, The husband has filed for divorce in...
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته At the very outset, we would like to advise you...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته After research on the subject of ‘permanent make-up’, it becomes clear...
Question: What is the ruling on a woman who dies in a state that she was wearing...
Question: Can a mother nurse her 3 year old child along with her 6 month infant? If...
Question: Assalaam o alaikum, I wanted to know the details about: The level of hijab, a muslim...
Question: Is it permissible to purchase dolls with facial features for my daughter? Jazakallah. السلام عليكم و...
Question: Asalamwalakum, my first question is regarding baby showers. My cousin is having a baby and family...
Question: If a woman marries someone without the knowledge and consent of her parents, would that marriage...