Question: Is it compulsory for someone to take bayat with a sheikh to reform one’s self?...
Social Issues
Question Is it permissible to bury someone in a grave in which someone was buried in before?...
Question: Is it permissible to kill a dog which is very sick and close to dying with...
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله What is the ruling on silver jewellery for men: wedding ring/band, chains,...
Question What is the ruling regarding the customary three-days and forty-days gatherings held after the demise of...
Question: Is it permissible to use a football with the Saudi Arabia flag along with other countries...
Question: Is it permissible for an imam to raise funds for the towns Islamic school in the...
Question: Dear ulama, what is shariah saying about interpreting dreams, do the person have to be ulama...
Question: Assalam o alaikum mufti sahib, my question is regarding nasab.We call us as ‘syed’ and everyone...
Question: I have a daughter and she has a mole. For which she gets bullied for, therefore...
Question: Does acts of Isaal-e-Thawaab benefit only the deceased or does the one who recites the Qur’aan...
Question: As-Salaamu Alaikum, I have a lot of family relatives who are not Muslims. Can...