Question: -1Is the time between MISL E AWWAL & MISL E SANI is for both zuhur and...
Salah (prayer)
Question: It qiraa’ah jahriyyah (reading aloud) permitted in nafl/sunnan salaah? Is reading aloud permitted or ta’leem purposes?...
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته At the very outset, we would like to advise you...
Question: As salaamu alaykum, Mufti sabh there is this imam during christmas time he celebrates the event...
Question: What is the ruling of reciting Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem in Salah between Surah Fatiha and another...
Question: Should one make Dua when the Imaam sits between the two Khutbas on Jumah? Should the...
Question: Asslamu Alaikum , Jazakallah, Alhamdulillah I got answer of my earlier question. I am working, my...
Do I have to renew my wudhu after taking a blood test or injection even though the...
Question: Is it permissible to pray behind a brother who prays while in Qiyam with his arms...
Question: As Salamu Alakum Respected Mufti Saheb, Hope you are keeping well I am in the process...
Question: Where I am working my boss allows me one Jummah Salaah in masjid in month. I...
Question: When does the Isha salah expire? I have read some differences concerning that. Answer: In...