As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Weekly Fiqh classes on various important subjects are conducted by Mufti Kaleem. These...
Salah (prayer)
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, what is the difference between salaatul ishraaq and salaatu duhaa? And were they both...
Question: Is one allowed to make zikr on a tasbeeh, or should one use only his fingers...
Question: Is making dua for the forgiveness of deceased after the Janazah Salah in conformity with the...
Question: It is established from the traditions of the Prophet (saw) to recite Durood at the beginning...
Question I understand the importance of the two Sunnah before Fajr. If a person was unable to...
Question Is it permissible to perform Salah in a dark room without any dislike? Answer بسم الله...
Question: How does a Muqtadi (follower) complete his Salaat in congregation if the Imam is a Musafir...
Question Is it permissible for a Non-baligh child to lead a congregation of children in Fardh Salah....
Question: My question is how do I pray the Salah that I have been missing? I know...
Question: AssallamuAllaykum … I want to ask a common question : People in our area use to...
Question Salaams, a Muslim brother died and was found after three days so his body was decomposed...