Question: Is it permissible to use cosmetics that contain minerals from the dead sea? Answer: In...
Question: Assalamu alaikum. A woman wears sleeping contact lens, they last for 1 mnt an must be...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته After research on the subject of ‘permanent make-up’, it becomes clear...
Question: If I am doubtful (due to lack of concentration/absent mindedness) as to whether I walked in...
Question: What is the ruling on a woman who dies in a state that she was wearing...
Question: Assalamu’alaykum Prior to answering please bear in mind that I am and have been plagued by...
Question: If a drop of urine falls on innerwear/underwear due to cough or some pressure, do I...
Question: After several attempts to clean, the ink stain from voting remains on index finger and nail....
Do I have to renew my wudhu after taking a blood test or injection even though the...
Question: Assalaamu alaikum. I am married to a christian woman. We are expecting a son in December...
Question: I noticed a spot of paint on by beard three days after painting, would that affect...
Assalaamu alaykum. a) Can you explain the Sunnah method of performing Masah on Leather Socks. b) A...