Question: If a Mu’takif placed one of his feet outside the the Masjid, would his I’tikaf be...
Masjid & Waqf
Question Respected Mufti Sahib. Sunset is @ 6.29 pm on Mon 13.06.2016 in Trinidad but the Ramadhan...
Question: Is a person spending I’tikaaf in Ramadhan allowed to leave the masjid to attend a Janazah...
Question: If the I’tikaaf of a person during Ramadhan becomes nullified, can he continue observing I’tikaaf for...
Question: Is having à Beard nessary to give azan in a masjid or can Azan be given...
Question: In many of the Masjids in Trinidad the ladies prayer area is located at the back...
Question: Is the Mihrab part of the Masjid? If not, what are the laws pertaining to the...