Question: My question is regarding forging information to get legal status. I am married and have 3...
Question: I am trying to raise my children (10 and 6) to the best of my abilities,...
Question: Kindly supply me with the answer for the following, The husband has filed for divorce in...
Question: Both myself and my wife have lived with our in-laws throughout our marriage because of financial...
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته After research on the subject of ‘permanent make-up’, it becomes clear...
Question: Asalamualikum W.R.W.B. I pray my question finds you in good health. In my past, before understanding...
Question: Assalaam o alaikum, I wanted to know the details about: The level of hijab, a muslim...
Question: Asalamwalakum, my first question is regarding baby showers. My cousin is having a baby and family...
Question: If the husband and wife separate, who has the right of custody of the child? Please...
Question: If a woman marries someone without the knowledge and consent of her parents, would that marriage...
Question: Assalamu alaykum, please explain what is Mahr Fatimi dowry, and how much it is. Jazakallah. ...
Question: On marriage of a man to more than one wife. I know it is a very...