Question: If a husband opts for a second marriage and looks after the first and second wife...
Question: Does dry freeze breast milk establish Rada’ah? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious,...
Question: Asalam aleykum wa rahamataullahi wa barakatu I had been in a relationship with an individual for...
Question: Assalaamu alaikum, Question. I was given a divorce through faskh by an imaam who also got...
Question The husband divorced his wife thereafter she left and went to her parents’ house to spend...
Question If a person tells his wife “ I swear I will not have intercourse with you...
Question As Salaamualykum. I have a question. Here Americans get married in the court and they get...
Question: Assalamualaikum. If a husband and wife lived separately for many years without having relations will that...
Question Regarding a Nikah, the Jurists have stated that, in order for the Ijaab and Qabool (offer...
Question How long should you talk with a person to determine compatibility for marriage? Answer In the...
Question: Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.I intend to get married inshallah, and recently I have been experiencing some...
Question: If the wife carries out business transactions through the mobile phone without telling the husband (because...