Question: Assalmualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, sheik .is it permissible to eat mechanically slaughtered chicken that is halaal. Example ...
Consumables (Food & Drink)
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum.Is it permissible to pump breast milk and feed the baby through a bottle because...
Question: Asalaam wa Alaikum,I will like to buy from Amazon and one of the ingredients is organic...
Question: AssallamualaikumIs it permissible for a Muslim to take medicine which is covered by a capsule made...
Question SalamuAlaykum, InshaAllah I can get some guidance on this as it seems I am getting conflicting...
Question I would like to inquire about the permissibility of doing screen printing on cakes with human...
Question: Are crabs (sea, land, river, blue, mangrove, etc.) permissible? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the...
Question: The scientists have classified the whale as a mammal and not a fish. Does it mean...
Question: AsalaamualaikumIs vaping permissible? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu...
Question: as salaamu aliakum. is it permissible to sell a product that may contain a non halal...
Question: The bone from qurbaani can I give it to a dog after it was cooked instead...