Question: AssalaamualaikumWaraghmatullahMufti I have few queries>>>>>>> 1. Sometimes beardless or pencil line Qaaris come to our country....
Character and Morals
Question: ASAK I just need to ask one question. I was married and have 3 children. My...
Question: Are transgender females (those who were born males but later transitioned into females) considered to be...
Question: AsalaamualaikumIs vaping permissible? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. As-salāmu...
Question: Message: As salaamu alaykum is it permissible for girls to post selfies on Instagram and Snapchat...
By: Jamiatul Ulamaa KZN February 14th, also known as Valentine’s Day, is that time of the year...
Tattoos are strictly forbidden in Islaam. Nabi ﷺ has cursed the person who gets a tattoo and...
Question: Can a Muslim girl marry a non-Muslim (Christian)? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the...
Question: Asalamu alaikum. My question is, if a woman adorns herself and goes out in public where...
Shaking hands with Non Mahram women. In Islam, interactions between the sexes are permitted within certain limits...
Question: Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to study medicine in a university with men and...
Question: On marriage of a man to more than one wife. I know it is a very...