Question: What is the ruling if an aamil says that so and so person is doing magic...
Aqidah (belief)
Who really are the Shia? Is Shi’ism part of Islam? Unfortunately, many Muslims nowadays are unconscious of...
Question: Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmathullahi Wa Barakathahu, I want to enquire about the malhama kubra is it...
Question: Is it permissible to recite Dua Ahad Nama? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the Most...
Question: Usage of the title “Maulana” has become popular among Muslims to refer to our esteemed scholars...
Question: Is there any basis for what is commonly referred to as Dua Jameela? Answer: In...
Question: I have question regaarding the allegation given by a christian scholar Zakariya Boutrous. He is saying that...
Question: I want askislam to do some research on Molana Mohammed Imran Hosein. I have listened to...
Question: Is it Kufr to assist the disbelievers against the Believers? I just wanted to know to...
Question: Today I was leading the Fajar salat and due to a mistake (prolonged silence before qirat...
Question I have a twelver Shia friend, many times he has told me about the 12 imams...
Question There are people in our area who seek help from Auliya ullah who are dead (Istigasa)....