Question: Salaam. Will Salaah behind an Imam who believes the Prophet Muhammad is Noor and not human,...
Aqidah (belief)
Question: Selam Alaykum dear Mufti,I am from the Hanafi Madhab.Can a Muslim, who gives his Zakah and...
Question: Assalamualaikum wbtI would like to ask about Sheikh Imran Hosein who is a scholar in your...
1. Who is Imam al- Māturīdī? 2. Who is Imam al- Ash‘arī? 3. What role they played...
Question: As Salaam Alaikum I am a newer revert and I’ve come across your response from 2014...
Question: I have a present situation that I am trying to acquire more info and help with. ...
Question: Is it permissible to hang a plaque containing Ayatul Kursi, in one’s vehicle? Answer: بسم الله...
Question Salaams Mufti, I would like to know if a person can recite Quran and ask Allah...
Question 1: Where is Allah? Question 2: What is the meaning of the 5th Aayah of Surah...
Question: Is the English Bayan given standing or sitting or is it a Sunnah to stand for...
Question: Is it permissible to delay starting new things – like submitting college applications – until Friday...
Question: Is it permissible for a Muslims living in a Non-Muslim country to participate in elections? Answer:...