Message:Is it shirk to celebrate and participate in the Republic Day, the opening of the Turkish Grand...
Aqidah (belief)
Question: Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.I intend to get married inshallah, and recently I have been experiencing some...
Question: Assalamualykum..hope you are well? I wanted to find out if in islam we are allowed to...
Question: Assalamualykum. Hope you are well? Is a believer allowed to change his/her midhab(eg goes from hanafi...
Transgenders, Transsexuals and Intersexes Allah Ta’ala states in the Quran: و أنه خلق الزوجين الذكر و الأنثى...
Question: ssalam o elaikum,I am very confused regarding an issue. On one hand the ahlus sunnah wal...
Question: is writing a will whilst living in a non muslim country a fard, wajib, or recommended...
Question: Assalamualaikum,Hope you are well by the infinite mercy of Allah. I have 2 questions – 1. What...
Question: AssalaamualaikumWaraghmatullahMufti I have few queries>>>>>>> 1. Sometimes beardless or pencil line Qaaris come to our country....
Question: Is it permissible for me to uncover my hair and wear tight clothes which outline the...
Question: What is the ruling for keeping dogs? What about dogs which can be used for training...
Question What is the ruling regarding same-sex marriages in light of the Shariah? Can you provide evidences...