السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته After research on the subject of ‘permanent make-up’, it becomes clear...
Question: As salaamu alaykum, Mufti sabh there is this imam during christmas time he celebrates the event...
Question: If I am doubtful (due to lack of concentration/absent mindedness) as to whether I walked in...
Question: Can a Muslim male/female celebrate Christmas with extended family if they are a revert? Jazakallah...
Question: What is the ruling on a woman who dies in a state that she was wearing...
Question: Asalamualikum W.R.W.B. I pray my question finds you in good health. In my past, before understanding...
Question: Can a mother nurse her 3 year old child along with her 6 month infant? If...
Question: Assalaam o alaikum, I wanted to know the details about: The level of hijab, a muslim...
Question: Assalamu’alaykum Prior to answering please bear in mind that I am and have been plagued by...
Question: What is the ruling of reciting Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem in Salah between Surah Fatiha and another...
Question: Should one make Dua when the Imaam sits between the two Khutbas on Jumah? Should the...
Question: Asslamu Alaikum , Jazakallah, Alhamdulillah I got answer of my earlier question. I am working, my...