Question: Is it haraam/shirk to participate in activities during the christmas season to1) cook seasonal food in...
Question: ssalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.I have heard that is impermissible for a woman to cut her hair...
Question: As Salaamu Alaikum! Can you explain all aspects of Khulla,with regards to its do’s and don’t’s?...
Question:Assalam o alaikum, recently I was on gasht, we approached a non-muslim, who asked me why muslim...
Question: Assalamu Alakyum, I am Hanafi. Can you kindly explain what “asking behind a curtain” means according...
Sadaqatul – Fitr is a compulsory charity on adult males and females who have in their net...
Question: Assalmu Alaikum. Recently I was instructed by my doctor to take a medicine .The medicine is...
Question: السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Is is haram or halaal to have items such a clothing,...
Question There is currently a cricket competition being played amongst different Masajid. Each team is required to...
Question Due to my work at times hands are in direct contact with paint, glue and other...
Question: Asalamu alaikum. I’m very confused on the topic of maintaining family ties and request clarifications. I...
Question: Asalamu alaikum Mufti, I was going through some personal matters and under a bit of stress....