Importance of preparing one’s Will & Testament Islamically Writing and preparing a Will is undoubtedly very important,...
Question: -1Is the time between MISL E AWWAL & MISL E SANI is for both zuhur and...
Question: My question is regarding forging information to get legal status. I am married and have 3...
Question: I am trying to raise my children (10 and 6) to the best of my abilities,...
Modesty in Islaam All praise is for Alláh who disciplined the Prophet ﷺ and made him the...
Question: Kindly supply me with the answer for the following, The husband has filed for divorce in...
Question: It qiraa’ah jahriyyah (reading aloud) permitted in nafl/sunnan salaah? Is reading aloud permitted or ta’leem purposes?...
Question: Is it permissible to fly kites? Answer: Regarding affairs as such, there is a legal maxim...
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله وبركاته At the very outset, we would like to advise you...
Question: Assalamu Alaykum, Last year I think I made a promise to Allah that if I got...
Question: Assalamu alaikum. A woman wears sleeping contact lens, they last for 1 mnt an must be...
Question: Both myself and my wife have lived with our in-laws throughout our marriage because of financial...