Question: Is it permissible to recite Surah Alaq in Salah and leave out the last ayah? If...
Question: It there any special virtue for passing away on the day of Friday? Answer: In the...
Question: Assalamu Alikum Wa Rahmatulla Wabarakatahu I am a Muslim Sister that recently got Nikkah, my Husband...
Question: Assalamu Alaikum What happens to dogs when they die? Do they have souls and if so...
Question: Is it permissible to use cosmetics that contain minerals from the dead sea? Answer: In...
Question: Assalam o alaikum mufti sahib, my question is regarding nasab.We call us as ‘syed’ and everyone...
Question: I have a daughter and she has a mole. For which she gets bullied for, therefore...
Question: Dear Mufti Sahab, My wife is studying in the US and as per the legal /...
Question: I’ve heard that it is not permissible to consume chickens that are plucked using boiling water...
Question: Does acts of Isaal-e-Thawaab benefit only the deceased or does the one who recites the Qur’aan...
QUESTION: There is a message going around that a wife does not have to cook. A husband...
Question: Should a Masbooq recite Darood after Tashahhud behind the Imaam or should he remain silent until...