Question If a person was a Christian and converted for Marriage to Islam, never followed Islam but...
Question Is it permissible for a Muslim to receive from the estate of a non-Muslim if he...
Question As salaamu alaikum. I have to undergo a surgery soon bcz I have cancer in my...
Question: Assalaamualaikum, hope all’s well. Would it be permissible to sell frozen goat semen? The process of...
Question: Assalamu’alaikum..Can one make dua at the.last sujud, and At tahiyyat after darood too? Answer: In the...
Question: Is it permissible to hang a plaque containing Ayatul Kursi, in one’s vehicle? Answer: بسم الله...
Question Salaams Mufti, I would like to know if a person can recite Quran and ask Allah...
Question: Is purchasing shares in a foreign company permissible? Also would one have to pay Zakaat on...
Question 1: Where is Allah? Question 2: What is the meaning of the 5th Aayah of Surah...
Question: The scientists have classified the whale as a mammal and not a fish. Does it mean...
Question: Assalamu alaikumFirst of all may Allah accept your endeavor on helping us out on our problems...
Question: salaam. is the gifting circle sou sou thing Halal? Can we Muslim take part in it?It...