Question: Assalamu Alaikum. The current Management committee of our Masjid has been in place for many years....
Question: Assalamu Alaikum, I would like to clarify regarding the payment for Zakaah: If I have a...
Question Assalamu alykum It’s mentioned in the book “Islamic inheritance “by Jaamia madinatul uloom (mufti kaleem) that...
Question: Are transgender females (those who were born males but later transitioned into females) considered to be...
Question I learnt that the conditions that make Qurbani wajib upon person are the same conditions that...
Question A person 55 to 60 years of age, hajj has become compulsory upon him this year...
Question: Needed some advice, if a brother has a disease, which is a degenerative disease last few...
Question:Is investing and trading in Bitcoin and similar crypto currencies permissible according to the laws of Sahari’ah?...
Question I would like to inquire about the permissibility of doing screen printing on cakes with human...
Question: Are crabs (sea, land, river, blue, mangrove, etc.) permissible? Answer: In the Name of Allah, the...
Question Which Nisaab value should be used in Trinidad and Tobago when calculating Zakah, the value of...
Question: Assalamualikum, I would like to know if bleaching or trimming of the eyebrows is allowed if...