Question: Assalaamu Alaikum.Is it permissible to pump breast milk and feed the baby through a bottle because...
Question: Asalaam wa Alaikum,I will like to buy from Amazon and one of the ingredients is organic...
Question: What is the ruling for keeping dogs? What about dogs which can be used for training...
Question: I have gotten a disease that may affected my fertility. I’m an unmarried man. Is it...
Islamic Will Template (Trinidad and Tobago). Writing and preparing a Will is undoubtedly very important, especially in...
Question: I’m a content writer. We have a client that her business is related to wigs(made of...
Assalamu Alaikum, Members asked the Imam and Administration for Audited Accounts and to hold an Annual General...
Question: ASAK I just need to ask one question. I was married and have 3 children. My...
Question: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuhu My question is concerning organ donation inshaaAllah. Excluding the type...
Question: AssalamualaikumQ: Is istibra too difficult?Because in a day a person goes average 6-8 times for answering...
Question: AssallamualaikumIs it permissible for a Muslim to take medicine which is covered by a capsule made...
Question: As for a man who is a barber by profession, you have stated that his earnings...