Question As a person working in the TTPS (police) or Army, can one make masah over his...
Question: I have worked in a company for around 10 years. At that time the firm’s policy...
Question 1- My father died as a non-Muslim. We cannot inherit from him. Does his entire estate...
Question How long should you talk with a person to determine compatibility for marriage? Answer In the...
Message:Is it shirk to celebrate and participate in the Republic Day, the opening of the Turkish Grand...
Question: Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah.I intend to get married inshallah, and recently I have been experiencing some...
Question: Question regarding hanafi ruling on washing privates.Asalaam alaikum I have a quick question regarding purity, If...
The Importance of Halaal and its laws. What is Halaal? Islam is a comprehensive religion guiding Muslims...
Question: Assalmualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, sheik .is it permissible to eat mechanically slaughtered chicken that is halaal. Example ...
Question: Muhtaram Dear Mufti Saab 1) Does a colonoscopy make ghusl incumbent? Awaiting the answer of dear...
Qadhaa Salaah Importance of performing QADHAA (make up for missed) Salaah. Salaah is one of the pillars...
Question: Assalaamu Alaikum. I wanted to know if it is permissible to open a print on demand...