Asalaam Walaikum,
I have lost both of my parents but not at the same time. After their death and burial. Within the 40 days after my father’s burial, I dreamth my father on two ocassions and after waking up from my dreams in the night, i heard footsteps in my home. I spoke to other persons who had also lost family members and they had similar experiences of hearing dishes being washed.
I wish to know if it was them that came to visit or does it have something to do with the unseen world.? Kindly Answer my Question to the best of your knowledge inshalah jazakalah khair.
In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
– The belief that the soul remains around or visits the home until 40 days after death is incorrect and baseless, rather the soul is returned to the body after burial is completed, and the questioning of the grave begins.
The soul returning to the body for questioning after burial is supported by many Ahadith;
Uthman (Allah be pleased with him) narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu alahi wa sallam), would stand by the grave after buring the deceased and say: “Seek forgiveness for your brother and pray for his steadfastness, for he is now being questioned.” (Sunan Abi Dawud, no: 3213)
Once the soul exits the body, it enters Inter-space (barzakh).
In the case of death, the body remains in the ground while the soul is in the interspace between the two worlds. An ‘interspace’ is something which separates two things: heaven and earth, or this world and the Next World. In other words it is the period between death and resurrection. The bliss or punishment of the Interspace is not the same as the bliss and punishment of the Next World. It is something that happens between this world and the Next World. Despite the fact that the soul is in the interspace between the two worlds and the body is inside the earth, the two are still connected. Consequently, the bliss or punishment happens to both of them[1].
The treatment one receives in Inter-space (barzakh) is a reflection of one’s deeds and actions in this world. If a person was an obedient slave of Almighty Allah, he will be entertained with royalty. If he was anything to the contrary, words cannot describe his ordeal.
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzīyyah rahimahullah explains the condition of the souls in this intermediary realm in his renowned work, Kitāb al-rūh. He mentions that everyone’s soul is in the following different stations within Inter-space[2].
1) ‘A῾lā ῾illīyīn (The highest station): This station is exclusive for the Prophets (alaihim al-salām). Even in this station, there are different echelons and spheres.
2) In green birds: These are the souls of the martyrs who did not have any debt outstanding. Some martyrs will not receive this station due the debts they owe.
3) Courtyards at the gates of Paradise: The souls of the pious believers will dwell here.
4) Graves: souls of a percentage of the righteous believers will be in their respective graves.
5) Earth: a number of wretched souls will be constrained to the Earth. They will not be privileged to go to the Heavens.
6) Cauldrons: The souls of the fornicators will be gathered in these huge cauldrons.
7) Rivers of blood: The souls of the evil ones will be drowning in rivers of blood whilst being pelted with boulders.
8) Sijjīn: The souls of the disbelievers will be shackled in this realm which is situated beneath the seventh Earth.
The higher the station, the more the soul will be entertained with the blessings of Allah. Likewise, the lower the station, the more wrath and torment will be let loose on the soul.
May Allah Ta῾ālā make us from amongst the ones who dwell in the highest of stations. Ameen.
And Allah Ta’āla Knows Best.
Mufti Arshad Ali
Darul Iftaa, Jaamia Madinatul Uloom (Trinidad)
www.fatwa-tt.com /www.jaamia.net
[1] A soul’s journey after death .(Ibn Al Qayyim Rahiahullah)
[2] https://daruliftaa.net/what-happens-to-the-souls-in-barzakh/